Monday, June 14, 2010

We arrive in Sudbury!

Latitude and Longitude: 46°29′24″N 81°00′36″W (1)
Population: 157,857(1)
Population Density: 49.3/km2(1)
Landforms: Canadian Sheild, Ishpatina Ridge(1) Climate: 861mm of rainfall yearly on average,
Dry summers, Winters cold and snowy
Ecozone: Mixedwood Plains(1)
National Park: Georgian Bay Islands National Park(2)
Industries: Great mining Industrie still today(1)
Tourism:Dynamic Earth(3), Science North(4)

Day 1

Wow did Sudbury ever look boring as we saw the first sign. It look like a boring little city and that made me grumpy for the whole day and not wanting to do anything at all! My sister and my mom kept saying they wanted to go shopping sooo bad. So they went to the new Sudbury Centre.(5) Gave them $100 bucks and the whole day at the mall to keep them away from me and my dad. On the way in we passed alot of lakes, and we made a promise that one day we would spend the whole day fishing and not have to pay for any food for ourselfs. Obviusly my sister and mom wont do that but whatever we were going to. I was now pumped up to do some fishing. We went to a lake called Lake Ramsey.(6)The lake has many different species of fish including walleye, northern pike, smallmouth bass, yellow perch, white sucker, pumpkinseed, and rock bass. My dad and I rented a small 9ft aluminum boat. We caught pike all day long and had the greatest lunch in dinner everrr. Overall it was a great day, my mom was so nice to buy my dad and I alot of clothes and food.Which we did not eat. For the night instead of staying in a fantsy hotel we rented a small trailer. It was in a trailer park called Linamac Trailer Park & Cabins. We just had a nice fire and had some smores and marshmellow wars. It was pretty fun, that is basically all we did the first day in Sudbury.

Day 2

On the second day in Sudbury we did absolutly nothing at all. I think that it was a total waste of a day and money. To pay to be staying there just to sit and the trailer and play cards and some soccer. We played cards all avernoon until I got to good for my sister and she flipped out and threw the cards everywhere. And wouldnt pick them up so we lost about half of the deck. After searching for cards for hours. I decided that i was sleeping for the rest of the day because i was so tired. I could never sleep on car rides and the whole night before we drove all through the night. So i was a night behind on my sleep. I also wanted to be charged up for our next city which was Edmonton and i heard that it was great so i did not want to be tired. That was all for Sudbury. Kinda of boring to be honest. Hopefully Edmonton will be way more fun!!!

(1)Wikipedia, Sudbury

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